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Foundation Course - Introduction to Tapestry Weaving (non EU only)
Welcome (2:55)
Materials you will need
Links to suppliers
Getting Started
How to make your own wooden frame loom (19:28)
A bit about 'sett' before we start (3:39)
What loom is right for me - plus 'four selvedge' explanation (4:56)
Warping my Mirrix (9:58)
Warping my wooden frame loom (14:21)
A bit about my colours
How weaving works - all about the shed
What is a cartoon?
Let's weave
Practising tension/understanding pigtails (15:40)
Let’s make some basic shapes - angles and rectangle/square (35:30)
A brief mention of 'meet and separate'/'hatching' (11:52)
Curved shapes (32:49)
Finishing curved shapes - inc alternative header and taking work off loom (15:53)
Hatching - irregular and regular (18:47)
Grand Finale
Let's weave a landscape - step by step (with cartoon) (108:46)
Cartoon PDF
Finishing Techniques and Care
Sewing in the ends (5:00)
Optional : blocking and pressing your finished tapestry
Tapestry Extras
What this foundation course will lead to - my Tapestry Membership/Framing
Exclusive glimpse of my cliff top artwork in progress (using 4 strands of weft) (3:40)
PDF images to work from
Teach online with
Sewing in the ends
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